

KORYO 韩国烧烤料理连锁店,富有着创意的新理念,开创了全新的饮食口味。 KORYO 已在加拿大拥有多家连锁店,在不久的将来,将向全世界饮食餐饮业发展。

结合了最美味的韩国料理烹饪传统与现代饮食品位, KORYO 韩国烧烤料理连锁店让广大消费者成为可以支付的起的美食品尝家。每份料理都经过精心的准备,使用上等的肉类,现卖现做不隔夜,且无味精。所有烧烤的步骤将在您的面前完成,肉类将在烤架上当场烹饪。您所点的料理将在最短的速度里烹饪完毕并呈现在您的面前。每家连锁店将提供您最完善周到的服务,最完美的韩国料理,以及最合理的价钱。

我们衷心的期待您品尝我们的料理,亲身体验大众喜欢 KORYO 韩国料理的原因。

Calgary, Koryo 2004 Origin

Saskatchewan, Koryo 2008 Expansion

Koryo 新闻

Manic Mondays in Ontario

Mondays 12pm - 2pm
Get full meals for just $2! See your local store for more details.

Philippines, get ready...

Koryo will be opening in Manila. September will be our Grand Opening so if you're in the area, prepare for some new tastes and big promotions.


Koryo 总公司

Suite 103 - 830 Centre Ave NE
Calgary AB, T2E 9C3 Canada

Phone: (403) 237-5070
Toll Free: 1 (877) KORYO-BBQ
Fax: (866) 512-5853
Email: info@koryofranchise.com

Interested in owning your own Koryo Store?

We offer a variety of options and benefits including:
financing, subsidizing, low royalty fees, full support and more!

So drop us a line anytime,
We'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.